Little Ava turned three last week ( where oh where have those years flown to) and she put in a special request for a birthday cake shaped in the letter A. Easy i thought until i spent a day cutting, icing and decorating it ready for her party at a soft play centre. I had already baked and decorated another cake for our family gathering three days earlier on her birthday - so by the time i had finished her party cake i felt i had cake exhaustion ( i'm sure this must be a medical condition!).
(cake no.1)
(cake no.2)
Each year i make sure i make her a cake and usually enjoy the process however this year i don't think i was as successful as previous years but Ava loved the cakes all the same. However it did get me thinking that she would have been just as happy with a smartie cake from a supermarket and that it is me who puts the pressure on myself to make a 'super' cake that gets applause and adulation from party guests - child and adult alike. My friend ( who has also suffered cake exhaustion) says the same, however i think that i secretly love the sound of 'did you make that' and i know i wouldn't get that from a smartie cake! So selfishly i shall continue to try and make a 'super' cake each year - except now i will have to make one for Ava and one for Ivy -- double exhaustion x
Happy happy birthday little princess xxx