Little Ivy Violet finally arrived on Wednesday 9th June at 6.41am weighing 9lb 8oz after a brisk 3 1/2 hour labour and she's just perfect in every way. I've only just been able to see my way through the glorious baby fog which has descended on our house to finally share her arrival into the world - so please forgive me as i've been enjoying all that is perfect in a new born baby and savouring every fleeting precious moment.
I know how much i enjoy reading good birth experiences and now i can happily share my own. Having had a tiring and difficult first birth with Ava i really wasn't looking forward to going through it a second time and had researched all types of pain relief knowing that i had made a promise to myself that i would never go through that pain again. I had laughed at my initial birth plan and had become slightly obsessed with hearing about other friends birth experiences. I even became slightly hopeful of a c section when there was a possibility that my baby was lying horizontal for a few weeks - knowing full well that a c section is major abdominal surgery. However as time went on i resigned myself to taking each step at a time and not making any decisions until the time finally arrived - if i could do it naturally then great - if i needed pain relief of any sort then great also.
I had started to have twinges on the Sunday night but it wasn't till 3am Wednesday morning that my waters broke and i awoke with contractions being 2-3 mins apart. Luckily Ava had stayed with her grandparents overnight so we made the call to the hospital and made our way straight there. Unfortunately the hospital was short staffed and i was asked to wait in a waiting room which luckily was empty and i stayed there for another half hour on my hands and knees with my tens machine until i summoned a midwife knowing that things were moving quite quickly and that i needed some gas and air and indeed a room and bed! Once in the room i was examined and found to be 9cm dilated so i got dressed and made friends with the gas and air - taking in endless deep breaths and feeling rather drunk. I had hoped to use the birthing pool however it wasn't available and despite things going well i asked for pethadine and a epidural ( knowing that things had gone this well with Ava and then things had taken a turn for the worse when i couldn't push her out) Neither was apparently available and i think this was due to the midwife knowing that i didn't have long to go - and she was right as about 1/12 hours later i delivered our beautiful little girl kneeling up over the back of the hospital bed after only a few pushes. After having Ava i was in total shock as to what i'd just been through but this time i was in shock as to how much easier and quicker it was. As Ivy started to feed well straight away i was also lucky to be able to come home in the afternoon to an eagerly awaiting big sister who has showered her little sister with love, hugs and kisses from the moment she was carried into her new home.
Things have gone so amazingly well since Ivy arrived and she has been a placid, wonderful little sleeper day and night who has been loved and adored by all. So these precious early days have been just wonderful and i cannot believe she is 1 month old already - i am so more aware at how fleeting baby time is but also that i don't have the same one to one time that i had and adored when Ava was born - so i must now put this laptop down and make the most of my evening staring at Ivy whilst daddy is out celebrating the birth of his little girl with friends and big sister is tucked up in bed.
Oh happy precious precious days that i wish i could bottle and save for ever x