So today i took myself off to the wonderful 'Festival of Quilts' at the NEC Birmingham for a day of inspiration - and the occasional purchase!!! (more of my overspend tomorrow - when i manage to sneak all my new beautiful fabrics into my stash without the 'other half' noticing that i have bought yet more fabric!!)
It was a last minute decision to go but i'm so glad I did as i was completely dumb struck by the sheer talent and patience of quilters and textile artists from all over the globe - the word of the day was definitely 'wow' followed by huge gasps of complete astonishment at the beautiful skills these women / men have. There were quilts,wall hangings,clothes and accessories of all shapes, sizes and colours - all of which completely bowled me over my their originality and beauty (can you guess that i enjoyed myself!)
However as i stared closely at the endless stitches and overlays of thread and fabric it confirmed to me that i am definitely an 'instant hit' crafter and that i do not have the patience (or skill) to work for weeks / months and possible years on a particular piece - i know that my attention span would not stretch to these lengths. So my creative hat goes off to all these truly talented artists - you really are hardcore - sewing adrenalin junkies!!
Here are some of my favourite quilts from the show - sorry photo's are not great (oh i wish i'd taken the SLR) and do not do them justice at all - but hope they give you a little insight into my lovely day.

But my favourite had to be this one - more of a paper quilt but still made my eyes smile x